The Gornish lab is committed to cultivating relationships between academic research and field application by providing stakeholders with science-based management recommendations though outreach activities such as workshops, field days and white papers.
Members of the lab are also active organizing members of:
Ecological Restoration Section of the Ecological Society of America
Society for Ecological Restoration Southwest Chapter

Have some questions about restoration
in Arizona? Check out our restoration portal
A smattering of some of our outreach events and products:
60 Second Veg Management Tips 'Campy, but useful!'
#1 Agaves are Awesome
#2 Pollinator Habitat
#3 Monarch Habitat
#4 Making seedballs
#5 What are seedballs?
#6 Islands of fertility
#7 Mulch!
#8 Collecting seed from the field (part 1)
#9 Collecting seed from the field (part 2)
#10 Seed labels
#11 Weed management
#12 Seed starting basics
20. Species identity and the effects on germination
19. Informacin de germinacion para especies comunes de restauracion de Arizona
18. Utilizando plantas nativas para controlar el zacare buffel
17. Germination information for common Arizona restoration species
16. Soil health perspectives of Arizona rangeland stakeholders
15. Identifying restoration opportunities under mesquite canopies
14. Chiricahua Leopard Frog Management in Southern Arizona
13. Using native plants to control buffelgrass
12. Seedball design to optimize germination
11. Novel approaches to ecological restoration in semi-arid and arid habitats
10. Poisonous plants on rangelands
9. Non-native, Invasive Plants of Arizona
8. How turn a bike into a seed pelletizer for restoration and gardening
7. Una peloteadora de semillas para uso en jardineria y restauracion
6. Seed ball strategies for gardening and restoration in arid landscapes
5. Estrategias para la jarineria y la restauracion con pelotas de semillas en paisajes aridos
4. Grassland Restoration Manual
3. Medusahead presentation
2. Medusahead presentation handouts
1. Restoration after fire in annual dominated systems
For Kids!
1. Free restoration activity book
2. A kids guide to ecological restoration
1. Doom-and-Gloom Scenarios on Climate Change Won't Solve Our Problem
2. Increasing national park fees hurts our understanding of the environment
3. Progress Report: Tumbleweed on California’s Central Coast
4. Native soil bacteria as biocontrol
5. An extension perspective on California grassland restoration
6. New Ecological Restoration Section at ESA!
3. Treehugger
4. Rain or Shine
Blog Postings
2. UC Weed Science Blog
3. Labconscious
4. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
5. Five steps to laboratory sustainability